Getting closer and Coleser to the Freedom event in Miami I remember back in a time I did not believe in myself because truthfuly everything I had done before had failed, I expected failure from everything I did.
And I can't agree more with Dave as he talks about the power of unity because it was the power of unity that changed my thinking and my life forever.
If you still haven't goten your tickets to the event Login here, and do that because it will change your life, I know my first event with Empower like I said I was feeling low, I didn't think I could make this work, I wanted it to work more than anything but I just couldn't see myself succeeding.
Long story short I came back a different man, I made my first sale in 2 years of trying, and another one after that, and another, and another, and another...
All because I decided that I wasn't going to settle for less in my life anymore, and it all stemed from deciding to drag my ass to another country and be with the people I needed to surround myself with.
And it can happen for you too, all you need to to is decide.
Yamil Senior
"The Prosperity Ninja"
Look forward to meeting you in the beaches of the world